5 Tips on Maintaining Oral Hygiene With Braces

5 Tips on Maintaining Oral Hygiene With Braces from Rose City Orthodontics in Madison, NJBraces are an effective method for straightening misaligned teeth, which can boost self-esteem and oral health. However, braces require adjustments to regular oral hygiene habits to prevent issues like tooth decay and gum disease.

Since there are more places for food to get stuck when you have braces, you need to pay closer attention to your oral hygiene routine. This article offers helpful advice for keeping your teeth and gums healthy throughout your time in braces.

5 Tips for maintaining good oral health with braces

It takes careful maneuvering around the brackets and wires to thoroughly clean the teeth while wearing braces. The following are suggestions for more effective at-home oral hygiene while wearing braces:

1. Brushing

When you have braces, it is important to brush your teeth after every meal. Countless microscopic crevices in these dental devices encourage the accumulation of plaque and the development of cavities by trapping food particles. If you clean your teeth often after eating, you can avoid these particles sticking around.

When you brush, it is best to position your toothbrush 45 degrees from your gum line. The next step is to clean both the top and bottom of the brackets, brushing downward at the top and upward at the bottom. You can use either a manual toothbrush with soft bristles or an electric toothbrush with a special orthodontic head. Interdental brushes made specifically to clean between teeth, between wires, and around brackets are another option to explore.

2. Flossing

Flossing can be more of a challenge with braces, but it is still important for getting food out from between teeth and wires. A floss threader is a useful tool to thread orthodontic floss beneath the main wire of the braces. When flossing, it is important to be gentle as you run the floss between your teeth and up and down the sides of each tooth.

3. Mouthwash

It is a good idea to use an antiseptic mouthwash as part of your regular oral care practice. This method is useful for eliminating microorganisms in the area around orthodontic appliances.

4. Routine dental exams and cleanings

Maintaining good oral health while wearing braces requires regular visits to the dentist. Professional cleanings can remove plaque and tartar from hard-to-reach places, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease. The dentist will also inspect the braces to ensure the treatment is progressing properly.

5. Healthy diet

Good oral hygiene requires a healthy diet. Popcorn, nuts, caramel, and chewing gum are just some examples of hard, crunchy, or sticky foods that should be avoided when wearing braces. Instead, choose softer foods that are less likely to become stuck in braces, such as soups and smoothies. It may be helpful to chop up meals into more reasonable portions, too.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Braces in Madison, NJ

The bottom line

Keeping up with regular oral hygiene while wearing braces may seem impossible at first, but with time and effort, it can become just another part of your routine. Putting in the extra work now will pay off in the form of a healthier, more attractive smile later on.

If you are considering braces, or if you want some guidance on how to take care of them, contact our dental office today to set up a consultation appointment.

Request an appointment or call Rose City Orthodontics at 973-245-9577 for an appointment in our Madison office.

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